Help fund our gated community through this challenge!
As you know we are 100% volunteers and 100% community funded!
I know that with God all things are possible, so I am asking YOU to please mail $20.00 today, (or more if you can afford it), to Nana’s House 3492 Gods Way West Melbourne FL 32904 or donate on our website through PayPal to help the least fortunate children.
Then, copy and forward this letter to 20 people on your address book and ask them to do the same! Feel free to personalize your subject line to ensure that your recipients read the email. This is a perfect example of “many hands make light work”. This is also a small way that we can come together and meet a need that is so sad and heart breaking! Together, we can give these children hope of a bright, safe, loving future!
Once this is done we should have enough money to provide for the needs below. Join me and watch your $20.00 turn into a 2 million dollar beautiful, safe, loving Christian home for 40 children full time and 1000’s of children in the future! As a token of our appreciation we are going to build a “Wall of Hope” in our welcome center where your name will be listed on it forever! I’m so excited I’m going to give $20.00 for each of my grandchildren’s name on the wall, as well as my own! (in the memo section of your check, please put “wall of hope”).
Our mission is to provide a safe, secure, loving home where children can come and experience God’s love and healing.
Thank You!
Kim Frodge
Founder and Executive Director
321-724-5111, option 1