The heart and soul of Nana’s House are our volunteers. We are always in need of more community members to commit their time, efforts, and talents to help us provide a safe loving home for the children in our care.

Nana’s House, a home for Needy children is a Brevard County 501c3 non-profit organization. Our Thrift Cottages, fundraisers, and donations are our only means of support; we do not receive any government money. We have no paid employees, 100% of the money we receive goes to supporting the children.

We have many volunteer opportunities; you can work daily, once or twice a week, monthly or on an as needed basis for special projects. Training is provided for jobs that require it. The Thrift Cottages are open Tuesday – Saturday, 10-4.  I hope you will come, join us and bring a friend!!

Link to our volunteer application:  Volunteer Application (478 downloads)

Thrift Cottage Volunteer Positions:

Thrift Cottage Workers: You would do various jobs in the cottage, greet customers, accept, sort and price donations to be put on the floor for sale, etc.

Pick-ups:  We have a team of 3 men that pick up various large items, mostly furniture, once or twice a week. You don’t need a truck, but if you have one and a group of friends, that works too! You would spend a few weeks working with our current crew to learn our procedures, and then you can rotate in and out with them or if have your own truck and crew we will gladly add another team. We can always use a handyman or two on an as needed basis. MANPOWER!!

Yard work: We have a lawn service that cuts the lawns, but we need people to weed the beds, trim back plants and shrubs, etc.  You can choose weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, for as many hours as you like.

Special projects

As the name indicates, these are things we don’t do on a regular basis. Most are just a few times a year. A couple of examples: Someone donates an entire household of items to us, we get a group of 10-15 people and pack up the house, and we have Tent Sales, Christmas in July, and Toy sales at Christmas time, etc.

Would you like to get involved with Nana’s House in any of these capacities?
We’d love to have you and you’ll love spending your time with us, knowing you are helping local children in your community!

Want to talk more? Contact Kim Frodge @ 321-724-5111 Ext 1 or

Come and join us – Thank You!

Angel Needs

The list below is a sampling of some of the volunteer opportunities available at Nana’s House. Don’t have a lot of time, but still want to help? Here are some ideas that don’t take much time, in fact, some of them can be done at home! Contact Kim Frodge @ 321-724-5111 Ext 1 or to become a Nana’s House “angel” and discuss your talents and time allowance. We need “angels” to:

  • ŸDonate items for raffles/silent auction baskets
  • ŸSolicit one or more gift certificates for raffles (ex. haircuts, nails, massages, oil changes, golf, skydiving, vacation rentals, cruises,  overnight stays, art work, restaurants, etc.) (anything people would bid on)
  • Write a “general message” on a stack of unaddressed thank you notes
  • ŸDo gardening/weeding at one of our properties (Need background check)
  • ŸJoin clean-up crew at Nanas House properties (Needs background check)
  • ŸAssemble silent auction baskets, decorate, wrap, and add label for special events
  • ŸHelp write thank you notes
  • ŸRun errands/pick up items at the printers
  • ŸSort clothes in pod at TC1 (with a veteran volunteer)
  • ŸOrganize storage shed behind TC2
  • ŸHelp with renovations/handyman work at one of the NH properties
  • ŸDesign invitation for next volunteer pot luck/ or Christmas party
  • ŸSend “get well” and “thinking of you” to volunteers from NH as needed
  • ŸResearch organizations and businesses that give money to non- profit organizations
  • ŸWork on grant opportunities that become available to NH
  • ŸMake a meal for one of our families (once a week, once a month, etc.)- (Needs background check)
  • ŸSign up for and order items that you would normally buy
  • ŸMake phone calls for sponsors for upcoming events
  • ŸVolunteer one day a week (or more) at our thrift cottages
  • ŸPaint/decorate signs and donation boxes as needed
  • ŸClean Meeting House property once a month
  • ŸGet gift certificates donated from family restaurants (IHOP, Cheddars) for our families to eat out.
  • ŸResearch businesses that have a volunteer program – Kohls, Walmart, Wells Fargo – get info and follow through for NH
  • Join our furniture/donation pick-up crew on Tuesdays
  • ŸOrganize storage units/pods (will provide supervision)
  • ŸMake a display board all about Nana’s House that can be taken to speaking engagements/ meetings/functions
  • ŸVolunteer at “tent sales”- set up, sort clothes, clean up- approx. twice a year
  • ŸBuy tickets for Nana’s House fundraisers/events and encourage friends and family to join you
  • ŸDonate money to Nana’s House “in honor of” or “in memory of” someone you are close to
  • ŸDonate an item or two from the needs list on our website-
  • ŸBake or get a cake donated for one of our children’s birthday parties
  • ŸSchedule Kim to speak at your church or club
  • ŸOrder items you are already buying from Amazon through our
  • ŸLike us on Facebook and share all our posts with your friends and family
  • ŸForward all emails, newsletters, and flyers to friends and family
  • ŸShare brochures about Nana’s House and our Thrift Cottages with as many as possible
  • ŸDonate items to Thrift Cottages
  • ŸVisit our Thrift Cottages and bring friends to shop there, too
  • ŸTake photos at our events
  • ŸProvide a photo booth computer program, set it up and organize it at our dinner dance next year
  • ŸOrganize a group work day at one of the Nana’s House properties
  • ŸPlan a fundraiser for Nana’s House
  • ŸAttend Volunteer Orientation Meeting- see next date on our website calendar
  • Keep the Nana’s House scrapbook updated